Network Explorer

The Neuron Network Explorer is a tool that provides insight into the network topologies within the Neuron Network.

Due to the network's high level of dynamism, with broker nodes being regularly present and light nodes appearing and disappearing frequently, the Network Explorer is an essential tool for node runners to examine their nodes and troubleshoot any problems. The Network Explorer provides users with three critical metrics for the entire network: message traffic per second, bandwidth in MB/s, and latency (averaged across all nodes in the topology) in milliseconds.

Within the Neuron Network Explorer, users have the ability to search for specific nodes or networks based on various criteria. This includes searching for all nodes located within a specific area, such as Helsinki, or searching for networks based on their path name or description. Additionally, users can search for specific nodes using their generated name or Binance address.

Neuron topology exploration

When a user searches or selects a network within the Neuron Network Explorer, all participating nodes in the network overlay are displayed in both the results list and on the geo map. By selecting a specific node from the list, users can access all available metrics, and as the full tokenomics become available with the Tatum milestone, users will also be able to view the node's Binance address and link out to its transaction history on Bscscan.

Last updated